Making emotions understandable in business life.
Camilla Tuominen is a keynote speaker, author and illustrator. She is speaker of the year both in 2022 (MySpeaker) and 2021 (Speakersforum) and she was selected as a business influencer of the year 2019. Her mission is to teach everyone in business life how to understand and lead emotions.
She has worked with hundreds of organisations in Finland and abroad. She also works with companies as a ‘business illustrator’ making illustrations of otherwise complex concepts, such as values, goals and emotions. For that work she combines her own experiences in corporations, background in customer relationships and soon ten years of working with worklife emotions.
Contact me for speaking engagements.
camilla @
+358 400-439604
speaking & trainings
Camilla has co-operated with more than 200+ organisations teaching them how to better understand and lead emotions. Her average rating constantly well above 4,5/5. Most common feedback is that people feel “inspired, energised and learned new things” after the event.
Her speeches are combinations of science (e.g. thinking, brain research, AI, emotional intelligence), real life case studies, strong visuals and several practical tools. Her red threat is that she only talks about things that make her excited as well.
Her clients include many of the Finnish top-companies, like Kone, F-Secure, Sanoma, Tieto, Lähitapiola and Nordea. She has talked many times abroad and have been interview at Nordic Business Forum live-stage in 2018.
One of Camilla’s passions is drawing. In addition to illustrating all of her own materials and books, she has also made several works for other parties. These include works as illustrating leadership principles, strategy, values or employee survey results, illustrations to books or visual notes from seminars.
References include companies such as Kesko, F-Secure, Aktia, Tieto and HRM Partners. She has also illustrated for several books and other speakers, including CX guru Ian Golding.
Contact Camilla for more information.
Camilla has published five books. Currently they are available in Finnish and 2020 also in Russian (canceled due #covid19). Other languages are being negotiated.
09/2020 came out her fifth book “Tunteet ei kuulu työpaikalle” (Otava). You can buy Camilla’s books & other products here.
Camilla has been in several media. Here are few. Most recent ones you can find in her social media - especially Instagram.
Camilla was selected as one of the six winners of Speakersforum All Stars speaker.
Fennia: “Järki karkaa jos tunteita ei johda”01/2019
Kauppalehti Optio: “Teemme töitä väärin”12.11.2015
Microsoft asiantuntijaraportti: “Empatiapakkaus” 29.4.19
Meidän Perhe: “Yritän nähdä lapseni kiukun taakse” 10/2017
Winner of Business Influencer of the year 2019
Helsingin Sanomat: “Kun on tunteet työssäkin” 15.10.18
Evento: “Inhimilliset tunteet - yritysmaailman suuri tuntematon” 6.9.2017
Talouselämä: “Pahan tuulen tulkitsija”, 3.10.2014
MeNaiset: Supersiskot Carla Ahonius ja Camilla Tuominen: ”Opimme kotoa, että voimme tehdä mitä vain” 15.5.18
Yle Aamu-TV: “Hyödynnä tunteittesi voimaa” 5.4.2016
Interview at Efter Nio / Yle Svenska TV, 13.10.2016
Interview at Nordic Business Forum 2018: “AI is coming! Time to tap into our emotions” 27.10.18
Blue Wings (Finnair magazine): “Tracking Emotions” 11/2015
Yle Puhe:”Faktakanavan lisäksi työpaikoilla tulee kuunnella tunnekanavaa“ 14.8.18
Valtionkonttori: “Töissä kannattaa tunteilla” 13.3 2019
Podcasts etc.
Camilla usually speaks about 90 times a year but unfortunately most of them are internal or invite only events. But there are many podcasts and interviews out there where you can learn more subjects that Camilla speaks about. Most of them are in Finnish but few English ones too.
For example:
Puheen Aamu: Tunnekouluttaja Camilla Tuominen: Faktakanavan lisäksi työpaikoilla tulee kuunnella tunnekanavaa
Yle: Yhteishaastattelu Asta Raamin kanssa tunteista ja intuitiosta: Miksi rationaalinen ajattelu ei riitä
More: Search for Spotify Camilla Tuominen and you can find several podcasts.
camilla tuominen podcast
Diippii shittii - emotions in worklife is a remastered comeback of Camilla Tuominen's radio program of the same name. He had Finnish front-line experts as guests in his program, with whom she wanted discussed topics that she felt we do not discuss enough in our society and worklife.
Let's talk.
Speaking engagement, workshop, illustration, book feedback or other ideas for co-operation?
Happy to hear from you.
camilla @
Camilla Tuominen Oy
C/O Digipeople Studio, Itälahdenkatu 18C
00210 Helsinki, FINLAND
Camilla shares emotion tips & latest news in social media - let’s connect there.